Saturday, April 25, 1998

family portraits

Hey guys! I've been doing a lot of genealogy lately and wanted to show you some of the great pictures I found of my ancestors!

This is my great-aunt Celia, a balantidium coli cyst. Can you believe how lavish the photograph is? I think we must have had some aristocracy in the family.

This is my great-uncle Bart, a colloid cancer cyst. Everyone in the family says he was really troublesome, but I wish I could have met him.

This is my grandmother Lorena, a retina cyst. She got removed before I was born, so I never got a chance to meet her.

This is my grandfather Sal, a glenodinium cyst. He was also removed before I was born. The photograph is really small, so it's hard to make out what he looked like, but I thought it was worth including.

Lastly, one of my favorites! This is my aunt Sharron and uncle Bill when they first got married, such a beautiful picture! You can tell they're in the brain by the landscape, isn't it wonderful?

I hope you guys enjoyed this! Tell me what you think, I'll post more soon!